Friday, September 10, 2010

Where is the Helicopter Simulator Industry going...? Is it moving forward at all??

Where is the Helicopter Simulator Industry going...?

In the beginning of year 2010 it seemed like nothing much was going on. No new news on any cool helicopter collectives, or pedals, cyclic's, complete helicopter cockpits, instruments.... No new software. A few new / updates on the add-on helicopters. And "helicopter simmers" was busy building their home made cockpits as usual. But other than that, nothing. I was waiting for the BIG news that Simcontrol was coming back. Not on it's regular website, but the famous controls, just in a new rapping! But that didn't seem to come either. What was going on? If anything at all...?? A bit confused and over-worked on my regular J.O.B (building up the new IT department at a 36,000 square meter new retail store) - it seemed I was waiting for something that was not going to happen..

It took it's time, then everything started to come together!
Stay tuned, more on this update on it's way.....................

Part 1 - the future of helicopter simulator.. 

Part 2 - helicopter flight controls - what's up?

Simcontrol is back, at a price! A big one!!

"After a long break, am back with some updates on the helicopter flight simulator industry. Stay tuned, its just around the corner..."


  1. I have been developing a range of controls over the last 15 months and at this point I have a full cockpit platform ,microsim and individual controls as well as adjustable anti torque pedals that operate the same as a Bell 206 although these are not the latest photos you can have a look at further info and photos are available by emailing I also provide a custom engineering service for the simulator parts.

  2. My helsim units have now evolved to a marketable unit and can be seen at

  3. I have started getting some Australian sales for my Micro class Helisims ,with a great response coming back from the buyers.
    I will be releasing a limited run of Red Bull styled units over the next few weeks with genuine flight grips from Cobras & other military aircraft.
    As soon as they are ready I will be posting them at &
